
Posts tagged with portraiture

  1. BHM Portrait Series, Part 3: Vessna Scheff

    2017-02-28 15:43:00 UTC

    I’ve always wondered, what does it mean to be an “old soul”? Is it supposed to be a compliment? Does it mean you’re old-fashioned? Or does it, in some way, imply that you’re backward thinking? Meeting Vessna and getting to know her finally helped me to understand this adage I…

  2. BHM Portrait Series, Part 2: Genevieve Marie Fereira

    2017-02-22 15:30:00 UTC

    With one of the most vibrant smiles and vivacious personalities, Genevieve certainly has all the qualities that can turn heads and light up a room. I’ve known Genevieve for only a couple of years, but within this short period of time, I’ve had the pleasure of not only knowing her…

  3. BHM Portrait Series, Part 1: Rich Sanders

    2017-02-11 13:44:00 UTC

    Born and raised in Philadelphia, Rich is the quintessential black millennial male. Sporting dreadlocks, his striking appearance, wit and humour are readily apparent from the moment you meet him. Working as a graphics designer, Rich is also an immensely talented photographer, a vocation he has ardently pursued for nearly 4…

  4. A Sweet Reunion - Joanna & Family

    2017-01-08 14:49:00 UTC

    Reunions are a wonderful thing, whether they’re with friends or family, a reunion always invokes a lot of excitement. There’s so much to catch up on and so much to reminisce When Joanna got in touch with me, she told me she and her sisters were seeing each other after…